Filmmaking cameras
Film camera and Lens used for

In the classic Technicolor three-strip method, a beam-splitting prism was situated behind the camera lens. This prism divided the incoming light into separate pathways, capturing red, green, and blue information on three individual black-and-white film strips. Subsequently, a complex dye-transfer technique was employed to produce the final colored release prints
To re-create the Technicolor look using a contemporary digital sensor DP Jon Joffin used the Sony Venice 2 and Zeiss Supreme Prime Radiance lenses, and a Technicolor LUT developed specifically for Schmigadoon by Jill Bogdanowicz.

Sony Alta Venice
The VENICE camera is Sony's first full-frame sensor high-end digital cinematography camera. It is unmatched in the Sony range for the wide array of recording formats it supports, and features Dual Base ISO 500/ISO 2500.
This Sony Venice is meant to provide you with just the amount of camera you need, so you don't have to invest in more than necessary. It features a full-frame CMOS sensor with 15+ stops of dynamic range, but in its basic configuration it windows the sensor to shoot Super 35. The camera comes with a removable PL Mount that supports the Cooke /i Technology lens metadata protocols.
Eight integrated and motorized ND filters range from clear to seven stops of ND in one-stop increments. The camera features a built-in assistant-side info screen, along with a smaller basic info display screen on the operator side of the camera.
Zeiss Supreme Prime
The ZEISS Supreme Prime 35mm T1.5 lens features an interchangeable PL mount and is marked in feet. The lens produces a 46.3mm image circle, covering full-frame sensors. The internal focus design provides minimal focus breathing and a non-rotating front. The focus ring rotates 300° from a close focus of 13" to infinity, providing plenty of room for precise focus pulls.
The iris is made up of 16 blades arranged to create circular, out-of-focus highlights. Both the focus and iris rings incorporate industry standard 0.8 MOD, 32-pitch drive gears, and the lenses within the Supreme lineup share the same gear positions, making for rapid lens changes.