Filmmaking cameras
Film cameras and Lens used for

DP Seamus McGarvey: "We shot with the new Leitz large-format lenses using the Alexa LF and Alexa Mini LF. I love portraiture, and the detail we were able to capture in the landscapes of our wonderful actors' faces was startling."

Arri Alexa LF
Featuring a sensor slightly larger than full frame, the ALEXA LF camera records native 4.5K with ARRI’s best overall image quality. This allows filmmakers to explore the immersive large-format aesthetic while retaining the sensor’s natural colorimetry, pleasing skin tones and stunning capability for HDR workflows. Versatile recording formats, including efficient ProRes and uncompressed, unencrypted ARRIRAW up to 150 fps, encompass all on-set workflow requirements.

Arri Alexa Mini LF
The go-to camera for drama series, feature films and commercials.
Combining the compact size and low weight of the popular ALEXA Mini with the large-format ALEXA LF sensor, ALEXA Mini LF brings exciting new creative possibilities to ARRI’s large-format camera system. Featuring 16 recording formats, the Mini LF can be universally used for large format and Super 35 productions.
The ARRI ALEXA Mini LF camera native 4K recording, with ARRIRAW or ProRes recording in LF Open Gate, LF 16:9, or LF 2.39:1 mode. It combines large-format resolution with an optimal pixel size for excellent image quality producing vivid, nuanced images with natural skin tones.

Leitz Prime
With a consistent high resolution and illumination across the entire frame and a smooth focus roll off, the LEITZ PRIME lenses present a clean image to build any looks on and are well-suited for VFX, virtual production, and post production as well.
Available in 13 focal lengths from 18 mm to 350 mm, in PL and LPL mount with Cooke/i and LDS-2 metadata contacts.
The LEITZ PRIME lenses colour match with the LEITZ ZOOM lenses, therefore making them a perfect set for all production needs.